Thursday, April 5, 2012

Shin Splints?!?

Well, hello! I feel super because the last few days I have worked out and actually have some energy. Yesterday I walked/jogged 1.5 miles and then did 30 minutes on the elliptical and today I jogged most of the 1.5 miles. I have noticed this weird pain in my shins when I jog, as if they are just going to snap, which probably isn't normal, so I usually walk more than I jog. I should probably get that looked at...

Anyway, continuing with the List, here is Number 11: 10 Pet Peeves

1. Messy people

2. Disorganization

3. People calling me "Vikki" or "Tori" that haven't earned the right to call me either of those names.

4. Bratty/ disrespectful kids.

5. Poor customer service

6. People trying to tell me how to do my job that have no idea how to do my job.

7. Parents that don't parent their children

8. Borrowing my stuff without asking and/or not putting it back where you got it

9. Kids answering "what?" "yeah" or "uh-huh" when asked a question. At least say "yes."

10. The sound of drills. It makes my teeth cringe.

I am sure that there are other things that I can't think of for now, so to quote Porky Pig, That's All Folks!

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